Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Jessica Rodriguez Essay -- English Literature:

The Romanticism in Wordsworth Romantic poetry has very distinct details which set it apart from previous poetry. William Wordsworth’s poem, â€Å"I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud,† is full of the Romantic characteristics which were so different during that time. The poem begins with the speaker â€Å"floating† along, as though he or she were a cloud, when he or she spots a â€Å"crowd/ †¦, of golden daffodils† (Wordsworth, 3,4). The speaker goes on to describe the daffodils and the lake that is beside them. The images of the daffodils return to mind during a difficult time , and cheers him up. It is important to note that the speaker is speaking in first person. As this is a commonly used technique in romantic poetry, it is easy to assume that the speaker is also the poet. One key characteristic that is shown in this poem is optimism. The poem begins on a melancholic note with the use of the word â€Å"Lonely,† but takes an uplifting spirit soon after. There is an optimistic feeling through the rest of the poem. By using the adjective â€Å"golden† to describe the daffodils, one is caused to think that the daffodils are shining or are bright. The speaker continues by describing them as â€Å"Fluttering and dancing in the breeze† (6) and moving in a â€Å"sprightly dance† (12). These adjectives allow one to see them as joyous and happy. In the next stanza, the speaker states that although the waves beside the daffodils are â€Å"dancing,† the daffodils â€Å"out-did the sparkling waves in glee† (14). The poem ends happily, with the speaker’s heart being uplifted by the remembrance of the daffodils. There is much personification used in this poem. The daffodils, on several occasions, are referred to in a human sense. They are described as... ...oud† (1) he, â€Å"dances with the daffodils† (24). His imagination allows him an escape from the society and political strife that he is forced to live in. Although he physically cannot escape the everyday contention in his life, no element of society can cleave to his imagination. This poem offers much in the way of Romantic elements. Through the Romantic characteristics that are employed in this poem, one is able to fully understand the time in which the speaker was living. One is also able to truly feel and understand what the speaker is trying to convey. The emotion, with which the poem was written, provides one with a desire to pursue one’s own imagination. The ability to do so, while including so many of the Romantic components, causes this poem to be pleasant and enjoyable to read. Works Cited Wordsworth, William. â€Å"I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud.†

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